Call Us Now 877-444-9327 is the number one site on the Internet for locating motivated sellers.

Some of the key benefits include...

Professionally designed and maintained web site

Several years and thousands of dollars in the making. Developed by and for a successful full time investor.

Optional FREE second site

If desired your site can be divided into two separate sites. One site for buying property and one for selling property.

Full access to our Back Office Pro online lead and property management application. Manage all of your leads and properties from one location!

Use of all 18 of our premium domains click here for complete list of domains. Easy addresses to remember! Use them on all of your advertising!

Fast and Easy Setup

We do all the work, and have you set up and running FAST!

AWESOME Marketing Tools

You will have full use of our real estate investor web site marketing materials, including pre-written eBooks with built in follow up marketing.

FREE Listing Manager

Easily list all of your properties online.

Your Property Listed on National Site

When property is listed on your site you can automatically have it included on our sister site

Personalized Email Address

Using any of our premier domains. E-mails forwarded directly to your existing mail account.

Leads from highly motivated sellers sent right to your E-mail box

Online form results sent directly to you via e-mail immediately 24 hours per day seven days a week.

Leads from buyers looking for flexible terms

Online form results sent directly to you via e-mail immediately 24 hours per day seven days a week.

FREE Autoresponders

You can create UNLIMITED autoresponders. In auto-response mode, your prospects will receive personalized follow-up messages from you without you needing to lift a finger.

FREE Search Engine Submission

We will continually use professionals to massage our sites so that we stay on the cutting edge of search engine technology with the primary goal being to drive motivated sellers to your site. Read about our keyword research project

FREE Ads on

That's right! We pay the price to have a sponsored link on the worlds largest search engine. The key words used to bring up this link coincide with our huge keyword research project.

FREE "Ask an Expert" pages

Your site includes an online form where people with real estate questions can "Ask the Expert". Guess who has become the local real estate expert....YOU! And, if you can't answer the question you can forward it to us for free help!

FREE page for attracting money partners

Attract all of the investment partners you need with the combination of this high quality site along with a special page just for investor partners. Your affiliate site will add tons of credibility when you are trying to attract money partners.

FREE Earn Extra Cash page

Attracts people who will love to bring you leads in exchange for a referral fee.

Advertising Pages

Create pages within your site for mortgage brokers, bankers, Realtors, landscapers, etc. Get referral fees commissions, or even charge an advertising fee and Eliminate the Cost of your new site.

Sell Property Online

With your optional listing manager module you can list all of your properties right online using any Internet browser. Not only can you include detailed information about each property, but you can add up to ten photos.

Protected Territory

Only one Affiliate per geographical area will be allowed.

This site is not based on one person's theory or one-in-a-million experience. It 'is' based on years of research, thousands of dollars in tests and thousands of hours of painful trial and error, We are truly confident that we have built the finest site ever for the creative real estate investor.

If you don't have a web site address on your advertising you ARE missing deals!

On the sample ads you read on the home page you see four different domains that all point to the site. We actually have over one dozen domains that point to this site. Why the heck would we want that many domains? Two reasons, first is because you can customize your advertising message by using different domains and second involves search engine optimization (we'll talk about search engines later).

If your ad or other advertisement targets ugly houses then you can use the ugly-houses domain on that particular ad. If you are sending letters to people in foreclosure then advertise the domain. You get the drift. Back to the credibility issue, sellers will feel like you "must be" an expert just because of your domain alone.

Wouldn't you feel better getting legal forms from than from some site like This isn't to say that one sites legal forms are REALLY any better than the other, but as you have heard many times in the advertising world: "Perception is Everything!"

So, you already have a web site and you like the domain you are using. No Problem! We will help you point your own domain to our servers so that you can upgrade your site without missing a beat. We are also still looking for more prime domains to purchase! If you have a great creative real estate domain that you would be interested in selling or trading, please contact us.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization and promotion is a science. In order to find our way through myth and dated hearsay, We hired professionals to guide us. These professionals have access to up-to-date information on how to boost site rankings.

To boost results even further we also invest in paid advertising on and on other search engines as well.

We could bore you by talking about copy writing, gateway pages, keyword strategy, link popularity, meta tags, Relevance Ranking etc. etc., but we don't want to bore you. That's why we hired the pros to handle our search engine optimization.

Your affiliate site can be up and running in 2-3 business days!

In 2-3 days, you will be able to outmaneuver, outwit, outsell, outpace and outperform every competitor in your area, even those who have been at it for years.

In 2-3 days, you will build credibility that will enable you to buy more property than you thought imaginable. Suddenly many of those "we will think about it" sellers will be saying "YES" and they will not be asking for credit and trade references.

In 2-3 days, you will have battle-tested online marketing methods that have proven themselves over and over again including online forms for capturing information from buyers, sellers and investor partners.

In 2-3 days, you will have eighteen different domains (that we paid thousands for) that you will be able to use in every marketing piece and newspaper ad.

In 2-3 days, you will have a fully functioning, state of the art web site and WE will do all of the work. You tell us what you want and we put it together.

In 2-3 days, your instant credibility will help you attract money partners like never before!