Tell us about you... |
* Your First Name:
* Your Last Name:
* E-mail Address:
Day Time Phone: (Please include area code)
Evening Phone: (Please include area code)
Best Time To Call:
Tell us about the property... |
Property street address:
Property city:
Property state:
Property Zip:
The Property is currently:
No. of Bedrooms:
No. of Baths:
Square Footage:
Age of House:
What is the general condition of the house:
Please describe any needed repairs in this box:
Check all that apply |
Tell us about the numbers... |
How much do you feel the property is worth:
1st mortgage balance:
1st mortgage payment amount:
Does the 1st mortgage payment include taxes and insurance:
Are there other mortgages on the property:
What is the combined balance of all mortgages:
What is the combined monthly payment on all mortgages:
Please tell us about any other liens and/or other title problems that may affect this property by typing an explanation here:
Are all mortgage payments current: If payments are current click here
If payments are not current, how far behind are they... |
1st mortgage |
$ Amount Behind:
# of payments:
2nd mortgage |
$ Amount Behind:
# of payments:
Other mortgage |
$ Amount Behind:
# of payments:
Have you received a foreclosure notice:
Has a foreclosure sale date been set:
Sale Date:
(Please click on the calendar icon to select the date)
Just a couple more questions... |
Is your property currently listed with a real estate agent/broker
If property is listed when does your listing expire:
Are you currently in bankruptcy:
How did you hear about us:
Please provide any further comments that you feel are important in the box below:
Captcha Code: |
* Enter Code Above: |